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From 20102011 to 202014, i gave a course on stochastic processes in master 2 degree of research in applied mathematics. Here are in french some notes on the first part of the course, the examinations and other documents. Telecharger geostatistique miniere pdf geostatistique cours. Les meilleurs cours et tutoriels pour apprendre merise. Telecharger cours statistique descriptive ppt cours paces. Ue4biostatistiques pour paces cours particuliers a. Definitions et domaines dapplication des sig pdf dimenc.
Prise en main du logiciel r et statistique descriptive univariee. Memoire online methodes geostatistique pour linterpolation. Powered by create your own unique website with customizable templates. Descriptive statistics, confidence interval and chi 2 or fisher tests, methods used in more than 50% of articles, were repeatedly taught throughout the medicine curriculum. Measures of association, sample size, fit and kaplanmeier method, used in 40 to 50% of articles, were specifically. Introduction, les biais relies au chercheur, au repondant, a lindecis et a celui qui ne repond pas.
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